Sunday, 30 June 2013

Suicide among elderly...

Suicide among elderly people has become a global problem . A study was conducted to know why the elderly people became vulnerable when faced with the challenges of old age .The objective of this study was to investigate whether the descriptions of elderly people who committed suicide, given by those who knew them, can provide common features that create recognizable patterns, and if so whether these patterns can help to shed light on the suicidal process. A total of 172 municipal medical officers in ten counties in southern Norway were asked to report regularly to the project manager. The medical officer acquired information from the deceased’s closest relatives, his/her family doctor, and the home-based care nurse, if any. Written information on the project and a request to take part in the interview were sent to potential informants. On receipt of written informed consent to participate, the project manager contacted the informants and arranged the interview. A great majority of the elderly were perceived as having a “strong” personality as in they were obstinate and controlling others. Many informants also expressed the relationship as difficult. The main impression was that the elderly had shown strong self-control and reserve on an emotional level. On the basis of the descriptions of the elderly people given in this study, it was concluded that these individuals will find difficulty in accepting and adapting to age-related loss of function since their self-esteem is so strongly associated with being productive and in control. Loss of control reveals their vulnerability – and this they cannot tolerate . They wouldn't have attempted suicide if their children were more supportive and understanding. There are studies that have shown that the old age could bring childish character in a person. The close relatives and children should try to understand this fact and should not try to humiliate them .


  1. True.. Those close to you should try to understand instead of humiliating.. I recently read this article of a 102-year-old man who committed suicide, apparently because his wife was suffering from heart ailments.. This was in the TOI website.. And, most of the respondents were ridiculing and laughing at this move.. No matter how silly the reason for the suicide may seem, it is no laughing matter. But, unfortunately, a lot of them do not get help from their own family and friends, and that is indeed a very sad state of affairs..

  2. Suicide at any age is due to vulnerability, humiliation, hopelessness etc, irs important to understand that blaming the circumstance or stage of life is no excuse to end or give up on life, trying to understand ones worth and purpose for which he is on earth will be a great start to live and live life well. If situations around you are difficult seek help, india today has many helpline numbers, and caregiving instirutions. The quest for understanding existentialism does not usualky end with death, as Victor Frankl said, what does not kill you makes you stronger, thus in old age with all the experience and grey hair may make use of the gift of life

  3. old adulthood is an sensitive period of the development where old people are longing for the love and compassion of thier children and thier grand children. in most of the cases the situation created by their children may not find comfortable for them. also the children are busy with thier works and other activities where they fail to interact with the parents. this make them feeling of loneliness in thier life. so try to spend some period with the grand parents where we get blessing from the parents as well as from the parents

  4. suicide is a permanent solution for a temporary problem, suicide is not the solution for anything , unexpected and unwanted things might happen in life it does not mean that we need to end our life ,we should always live with the hope that we will have a better tomorrow rather than running away from the situation. it is expected that the elders after having experienced a lot, to face life in a positive way.

    1. i believe u mean suicide is "not" a permanent solution.....

  5. People think that suicide will eliminate their problems but it can only create problems for others.We should be with the elderly people and try to give as much as love and care,affection for them and where they will have a hope to live much longer as they can...

  6. elderly people have too many thoughts like whether they are still accepted by their loved ones so they think ending their lives is the solution to their thhoughts

  7. The notion that most elderly suicides are ‘rational’ acts in response to irreversible, understandable situations is not supported by available clinical research
    . Suicidal behaviour in the elderly is undertaken with greater intent and with greater lethality than in younger age groups, and health care staff play a vital role in the recognition and prevention of suicide in this age group.

    This paper deals principally with completed suicide in the elderly, although attempted suicide and related issues are included where relevant for emphasis.
    The epidemiological, social, neurobiological, psychiatric and physical antecedents will be discussed, followed by a consideration of preventive measures.
